Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Sometimes you have to allow students or people in general to get a little confused to get the point. When things are all laid out on the line and then explained, I think it gives the students different aspects to the way they learn. I believe if confusion leads to clarity: then in the end it is worth it.
Mr. Spencer relates pencils with his students. Children are full of emotion and they change day by day. At one moment, they could be happy without a care in the world and within seconds, they can be mad at the world. Pencils can be broken, reshape, sketchy. My favorite quote by Mr. Spencer is, "It's change, constant change, sometimes in smooth lines and sometimes in wild, dark jagged edges." He respects his students. He sounds like an awesome teacher. If all teachers cared like he does, maybe there would not be so much rebellion with children. He Just Likes the Class for the Pencils is my favorite blog by Mr. Spencer and the one I commented on. I hope I can be a teacher like Mr. Spencer. Being a teacher is not about trying to embarrass the students. I do not want to be the type of teacher who does not know or care to know her students. I think so many times teachers either loose sight or just do not care that students are human beings with feelings too. It breaks my heart to see a child hurt or sad. I substitute at a school and I see how some teachers treat the students. In order to receive respect we must give it.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blog Post #13

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Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX), one stop website of lesson plans and other educational resources for teachers, students, and administrators in Alabama.Their goal is for Alabama students to utilize the benefits of Alabama educators sharing their wealth of expertise and knowledge with colleagues. The material on Alex is searchable and listed by subject and grade level. The courses of study are Science, Social Studies, Foreign Languages, Physical Education, Technology Education, English, Math, Arts, Health Education, and more. Once you click on a particular subject, it will give you the state standards and lessons plans. There are many different web links to search through. They are useful for students and teachers. The student web resources allow students to ask questions, play games, and learn about different subjects. The web links include personal workspace, personal learning, lesson plans, search, pod cast treasury, alexville. I would recommend everyone to check out ALEX. It is interesting and has some very resourceful information for everyone. I have had the opportunity to use ALEX in some of my education classes at University of South Alabama. I found it helpful, especially with ideas about different types of lesson plans. I know several teachers who use ALEX for resources and they without a doubt would swear by it. I have already printed out some of the Alabama standards. My suggestion is for everyone wanting to be a future teacher to print out these standards and keep them nearby.
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Students Statewide (ACCESS), a distance-learning program that provides credit recovery courses. ACCESS uses both interactive videoconferencing and web-based online course formats. These courses are taken during the school day at the student's school. They have trained facilitators supervise students and collaborate with the distance teacher. The Vision of ACCESS: The State of Alabama will provide equal access to high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning. The resources include things like Alabama Virtual Library, ChemLab, HippoCampus, and many others. I personally have not had much experience with this website. After researching through it some, I know it is something I would like to be involved with. My daughter actually uses this at her school. She takes a class through ACCESS, her teacher is the facilitator, and she has an online teacher. This is the first year she has done this. She said at first it was complicated but it has gotten easier. Students can enroll in ACCESS if they attend an Alabama public high school (grade 9-12) or they are identified as a special education student. The question and answers page was informational for me. Click the link below to check these out:

Friday, November 19, 2010


I have had this done but for some reason did not realize it was not posted. Crystal and I went to the new middle school on Mobile County to inview teachers and students on their Smatrboards. This was an alwsome experiece. The students and teachers were great.I am thankful we had the opportunity to do this.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Blog Post #12

1.CREATE YOUR OWN VIDEO SHOWING WHY TECHNOLOGY IS IMPORTANT TO CHILDREN'S EDUCATION. It must be creative and use some of the things you have learned in EDM310 so far. Watch the following video for ideas.

2. AS A FUTURE TEACHER MAKE A VIDEO SHOWING HOW YOU SEE TECHNOLGY TRANFORMING THE CLASSROOM. The following video was done by Kristin Byrd, a studetn at Lesley University in Savannah, GA.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Progress Report on Final Project

We have not really decided what we are going to do yet. We have been brainstorming with a couple of things. I can not wait to get started. The things we are thinking about are going to be awesome. I am really excited about seeing the end project. I know it is going to be a lot of hard work but in the end we will have something to be proud of.

Project #6 Analysis

I did my survey on texting and driving. The answers I got were shocking in some cases.
Out of everyone that took my survey, nobody has ever had an accident while texting or while talking and driving. That is great, it just surprised me. 53% of the students think it should be illegal to text while driving. If it was illegal to text while driving, 76% of students think the punishment should be a ticket.
This is some interesting facts. I learned that although most people 29%text and drive more than 10 times per day, 82% of students feel unsafe while riding with someone who is texting and driving. Ironic? I think so. I guess people feel safer if they are the ones driving and texting.
I learned a lot of information creating my survey and getting the analysis for the responses. This is definitely something I will continue to do in the future. I would always like to teach my own children how to utilize surveys. Maybe they can use it for projects and such with their own school work.

Smart Board Instruction

Monday, November 8, 2010

Summary Post C4T Teacher #3

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david warlick 2 worth
My #3 teacher was David Warlick. He spoke about students receiving a comic book education in an encyclopedia world. He spoke about education is about the information being taught. I think the way technology is booming and will continue to do so, it is hard to teach without mentioning these things. There will come a time in the near future that students will have to be technology literate before they graduate. The world around us is changing and therefore; teachers must adapt to the change.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

PLN Project #10

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I used Symbaloo for my PLN. I must it admit, it took me some time to figure it out. After navigating around a bit, I've got it. I love it! It is all my favorite sites in one spot. This is defiantely a keeper. Thanks Dr. Strange!

Blog Post #11

Ms. Cassidy is doing a wonderful job with her students. It is amazing the things they can do. I would like to at least try to utilize everything Ms. Cassidy uses. It is nothing short of amazing watching these children learn. The students look like they are having so much fun and they are learning in the process. I realize that using all this new technology could be challenging. The students will have to be taught how to properly use everything. There will be some that are already familar with skype and other programs but some children will not have a clue what I am talking about. I am excited about bring my new knowledge not only in my classroom but in my school.

Summary Post C4K comments 3-7

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Comment #3 This is a year 2 and 3 class at Pt England School in Auckland, New Zealand. The class did artwork the showing a waka on the sea. The black paper really made the colors stand out.

Comment #4
I commented to Bianca and Claire. They are in 7th grade. Their school is located about half an hour from Hobart, the capital city of Tasmania. After watching the movie Cars, they had to do a blog realting the movie to friendship. They both did a great job.

Comment #5 I commented to Grace, she is in 7th grade. She did a blog on how to conserve water. I believe many times we take things like water for granted. She blogged about how it is not fair for people in other countries to be without fresh, clean water. It was a great blog.

Comment #6 was to Khalid. He is Mr. Goerend's class. His blog was about a bigmac, that came to life. He has an extraordinary imagination. I will defiantely keep up with his blog to see where this story leads.

#7 Lessons Learned Mr. McClung's class blog is great. He is an 8th grade teacher at Woodland Jr. High located in Fayetteville, Arkansas. He teaches social studies, Arkansas History, computer applications, and coaches cross country. I commented on his Beat Ramay Week blog. During Beat Ramay week, two community rival teams get ready to face off with each other. They whole town is devided. The students get to dress up and show sprit for their school. I believe this type of thing shows the students that they can learn and still have fun.