Saturday, October 23, 2010

Blog Post #9

Mr. McClung has some very interesting points. They are a lot of things I have thought about. He has over 280 comments on his essay. I do not expect that he knew he would get such a outpouring of comments. Most of the people that left comments seemed to enjoy his essay. Students said things like, “I truly enjoyed your thoughts on being a teacher.” There were many others that had the same positive comment to make. I am thankful I was assigned this because so many things you said hit home to me. The other day I overheard my grandmother explaining to her friend how smart I was. The reason she thinks this is quite funny. It is because I use mapquest to find directions to places I am unfamiliar. I understand this is because my grandmother is so unfamiliar with technology because we all know that mapquest is not a big deal. I am glad she thinks I am smart. It is so important for people to communicate. Mr. McClung made a great point when he spoke about communication. I think teachers have to talk to their co-workers, students, and their parents.


  1. I agree with you when you said Mr. McClung made some very interesting points. I also think commuinication is important. He said it is one of the hardest skills to learn and I agree. I am still struggling to not be so shy and to communicate with others better. It can only make the school a better place if everyone is communicating with each other and making sure we understand what is going on. Your Grandmother sounds so sweet! I can relate to you because my Nana would have felt the same way about me. Have a good night!


  2. So knowing Mapquest gets you an A - from your Grandmother. It is interesting about how we get graded, isn't it!

    Did you get an assignment this week to comment on Mr. McClung's blog? If not, check it out anyway! Mr. McClung's World

  3. Robin,

    I agree with you that Mr. McClung made several good points on his blog post. I also agree that communication is key in any working relationship -- after all, misunderstandings don't generally happen when clear and open lines of communication are present.

    And I can identify with you on people being impressed when introduced to new things (or things that are new to them). I had a similar experience when I recently introduced my parents to Google Earth. Honestly, you would have thought that I showed them the interior of Pandora's Box or something!
